ta1 = tc_find("ta1")
pp2 = tc_find("pp2")
models1 = tc_listOfPossibleModels(ta1)
models2 = tc_listOfPossibleModels(pp2)
tc_multiplot(models2.length, models1.length)
for i in range(0,models1.length):
tc_substituteModel(ta1, tc_getString(models1,i))
for j in range(0,models2.length):
tc_substituteModel(pp2, tc_getString(models2,j))
m = tc_simulateDeterministic(0,100,100)
tc_plot(m, "sys" + str(i*j+1))
There are two different ways to model transcription regulation in the current TinkerCell repository. There are three different ways to model protein production in the current repository. So, there are 6 possible combinations. The following graphs were the output of the python code.