Some plans ahead include integrating wet-lab data. The diagram will be generated using semantics in order to make the integration more structured. Currently, users can draw "experiment" connections and "data" nodes. The RDF files in the TinkerCell home folder /Lab store the ontology for each. The idea is that python plugins will be used to fill in details about the experiment and the data. The long term goal is to make diagrams like these part of exchange and maybe lab automation. TinkerCell's ability to explicitly identify cells, plasmids, fluorescent proteins, and other relevant components can serve as the link between predicted results from models and experimental results.
TinkerCell is a Computer-Aided Design software tool for Synthetic Biology that promotes collaboration through its plugin interface. This blog is used to keep notes on updates to the project.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Simple perturbation python plug-in
The plugin removes each promoter one by one and performs a simulation to see the consequence of the removal. The plugin also allows the user to perturb RBS strength and mRNA degradation by a given amount. The entire plugin is written in python and the source is available in the TinkerCell home folder.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Ruby scripts
Sample Octave code for testing nonmonotonicity
target = [0 0.3 1 0.3 0]';inputs = [0 0.1 0.3 0.5 1]';outputs = zeros(5,1);ic = tinkercell.tc_getInitialValues(tinkercell.tc_allItems());k = tinkercell.tc_getRowIndex(ic, "INPUT");for i = 1:5x = inputs(i);tinkercell.tc_setMatrixValue(ic, k, 0, x);tinkercell.tc_updateParameters(ic);ss = tinkercell.tc_getSteadyState();j = tinkercell.tc_getRowIndex(ss, "OUTPUT");if (j > -1)outputs(i) = tinkercell.tc_getMatrixValue(ss, j, 0);endendm = [ inputs outputs ];m2 = toTC(m);tinkercell.tc_plot(m2, "input-output");score = corrcoef( target, outputs )
Friday, May 6, 2011
Dialogs with Octave or Python callback functions
#callback function
def myFunc(w,h,output):
print "width = " + str(w) + " height = " + str(h) + " output = " + output
#create the input window with 3 rows and 1 column
inputWindow = tc_createMatrix( 3, 1 )
tc_setMatrixValue(inputWindow, 0, 0, 0)
tc_setMatrixValue(inputWindow, 1, 0, 0.0)
tc_setMatrixValue(inputWindow, 2, 0, 0.0)
#given row names to display
tc_setRowName(inputWindow, 0, "Width")
tc_setRowName(inputWindow, 1, "Height")
tc_setRowName(inputWindow, 2, "Output")
tc_createInputWindowForScript(inputWindow, "Screenshot", "myFunc")
#make the last row a set of options
list = ["Wiki code","HTML code"]
tc_addInputWindowOptions("Screenshot", 2, 0, toTC(list))
Here is the screenshot. When the user clicks the ok button, the callback function is called with the arguments 55, 12, "Wiki code"
Sample python script for doing perturbation experiments
# we are just going to change all the parameters that begin with the phrase 'synthconst'
items = tc_allItems()
params = tc_getParameters(items)
p = "" #parameter name
#just count how many there are
total = 0for i in range(0,params.rows):p = tc_getRowName(params, i)if p.count('synthconst') > 0:total += 1
#for each parameterj = 0for i in range(0,params.rows):p = tc_getRowName(params, i)if p.count('synthconst') > 0: #check parameter nametc_showProgress("DREAM automation", int((100.0 * j)/total)) #progress meterj += 1#perturbs = ""FILE = open(p + '.perturb.txt','w+') #save to filep0 = tc_getMatrixValue(params, i, 0) #original parameter valuefor q in [100, 10, 2, 1]: #perturbationstc_setMatrixValue(params, i, 0, p0/q)tc_setParameters(params,0)m = tc_getSteadyState() #steady states += str(p0/q)for i in range(0,m.rows): #for each output valueif tc_getRowName(m,i).count('m') > 0: #if name starts with ms += "\t"s += str(tc_getMatrixValue(m, i, 0))s += "\n"FILE.write(s)FILE.close()#donetc_showProgress("DREAM automation", 100) #close progress meter
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